Friday, 1 July 2011

Tweeting like a good 'un

I already had a Twitter account, so I used that for Thing 4, hope that was ok. I've never really got twitter, much prefer facebook, but realise that I often use facebook in the way that twitter should be used, so i'm hoping to understand twitter a bit more and get more out of it. I like the hashtags thing, think I've got my head around it. Still feeling a bit lonely out here, don't think I've properly registered my blog!
Anyway, now following cam23 and i was already following Phil Bradley and a few other library folks.


  1. Found your blog via your tweet. Welcome

  2. Don't worry, you are properly registered! You're on the blogroll on the Cam23 2.0 blog now so people should start finding you :) Also as Suzan has demonstrated, Twitter is a good way to let people know you've written a new blog post!
