Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Back to basics with the blog

OK, I was fiddling around trying to get an image on my twee little blog, and I remembered the extra Thing in week 1, so I went back and tarted up the blog a bit. I'll have a go at home tonight and upload a photo, it's a bit difficult from a work pc as I don't tend to store my photos on here!

It feels a bit like I'm going backwards, but I want to get this right. Is anyone else finding it really hard to find the time to do all this? It's so frustrating because it's all good and useful stuff, but it's hard to fit it in around work and home commitments:-(

Ooops! Is that the time? I need to lock up, go home and have a life.


  1. Can sympathise with the time taken to do this course, (and I am not in paid work at present) but there are lots of useful ideas and gizmos so carry on

  2. I'm feeling a bit behind at the moment (moving house next week isn't helping!) but next week is a reflection week so there aren't any new Things as such! Based on the feedback from last year's Cam23 we added a second reflection week into the programme so hopefully that'll give everyone a breather and a bit of a chance to catch up!

  3. I agree. It's hard to find time to do all Things systematically. Especially if you are part-time worker and full-time mum;)But still think it's good and useful staff.I'll do all my best to carry on... so keep going forward. Best. Aga
