Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Back to basics with the blog

OK, I was fiddling around trying to get an image on my twee little blog, and I remembered the extra Thing in week 1, so I went back and tarted up the blog a bit. I'll have a go at home tonight and upload a photo, it's a bit difficult from a work pc as I don't tend to store my photos on here!

It feels a bit like I'm going backwards, but I want to get this right. Is anyone else finding it really hard to find the time to do all this? It's so frustrating because it's all good and useful stuff, but it's hard to fit it in around work and home commitments:-(

Ooops! Is that the time? I need to lock up, go home and have a life.


How do I capture a photo from Facebook and put it on my blog using LightShot?

LightShot - I love it!

Hello Again,
I'm running a few Things behind and trying to catch up, so apologies if you've already moved on. I just installed the stand alone LightShot and it's fab! I already use a piece of software called Snag It, but this is much more straightforward and free!

Can I use it to customise my blog? It's looking a little twee, to my mind. I'll have a go.

Friday, 1 July 2011

RSS feeds - success!

Woo-hoo! Just used my new-found Thing 3 skills to subscribe to the TRIP blog. Ridiculously pleased about this and starting to find my way around Google Reader. Is anyone else as childishly excited as me, or should I leave the sugar alone for a while?

Tweeting like a good 'un

I already had a Twitter account, so I used that for Thing 4, hope that was ok. I've never really got twitter, much prefer facebook, but realise that I often use facebook in the way that twitter should be used, so i'm hoping to understand twitter a bit more and get more out of it. I like the hashtags thing, think I've got my head around it. Still feeling a bit lonely out here, don't think I've properly registered my blog!
Anyway, now following cam23 and i was already following Phil Bradley and a few other library folks.

Blogging...not as easy as it seems...

Ok, I've set up the blog but I'm not sure I've registered it with Cam 23 so I could be blogging away to myself, which is actually a bit depressing.
Maybe I just need to be patient, not something I'm very good at.
Anyway, the RSS feeds bit seemed quite straightforward and I will try to subscribe to some more favourite feeds, but I'm confused about where things are sitting and how I get to them. I'll have a bash at the Twitter stuff then go and lie down for a bit.

Bit late, but got here eventually!

Hello fellow 23 Thingers!

I've had a bit of a slow start but got here eventually. I did manage to set up my igoogle account in week 1 and then stalled a bit. Hope to get back on track now as I'm really keen to complete the programme. I found some of the instructions for setting up the igoogle a bit confusing, but setting up the blog was easy.
I'm not very confident with techy stuff, but still fascinated by it. I'm hoping to learn new skills, get my confidence up and use my new knowledge to improve my library service.
Look forward to chatting to you all.